40 Hz Binaural Beats + Pink Noise - Minimalist Ambience for Focus, Work, Study (90 Min Session)

40 Hz Binaural Beats + Pink Noise - Minimalist Ambience for Focus, Work, Study (90 Min Session)

Improve focus with Binaural Beats. Get stuff done. Minimalist background, timer and sound to help you stay focused. Boring but evidence based. Intended use of this video: Use headphones to listen, spent 2-5 min for a simple breathing exercise to calm down, then study/work/get things done...with the goal to stay engaged until the end of the video. After 90 min of focus take a 20 min break. Why 40 Hz (gamma) and not ∼10 Hz (alpha)?    • The Science Of Binaural Beats | Dr. A...   Photo by Dave Hoefler on Unsplash ------------------------------------------------------------- Want to know more about Binaural Beats and Focus? You can start reading here: Research shows that binaural beats can impact global brain rhythm and facilitate hormone levels (dopamine...) required for focus. In recent years the increase in screen use (and probably other factors) increased the prevalence of adult onset ADHD, or less severe, increased prevalence of concentration problems -- binaural beats is one potential relief...besides other interventions. For a more in-depth discussion listen to Andrew Huberman’s podcast on focus: https://hubermanlab.com/focus-toolkit... or    • Focus Toolkit: Tools to Improve Your ...   Meta analysis of binaural beats research: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00426-018-10... From the research article: “Hommel et al. (2016) demonstrated that cognitive control can be influenced toward flexibility by listening to gamma frequency binaural beats. This in turn displays that gamma frequency binaural beats positively affect the ability to shift with flexibility between strategies and tasks to achieve an appropriate solution for a given problem. Reedijk et al. (2015) highlighted that gamma binaural beats enhanced attentional control eliminating the attentional blink in comparison to both alpha binaural beat and constant tone conditions.” “Moreover, the findings suggest that binaural-beat exposure before, and before and during the task produces superior results than exposure during the task alone. Time under exposure contributed significantly to the model indicating that longer periods are advisable to ensure maximum effectiveness.” 90 Minute Session: 90 min is around the maximum duration for deep focus our brain is capable of. Research shows that the 90 min timeframe aligns with our natural neuronal activity cycle: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Basic_r... ------------------------------------------------------------- Study Resources My favourite music for light study/work: @BLUME_Music Great (free) meditation app: https://www.uclahealth.org/programs/m... Great general study advice: https://www.apa.org/gradpsych/2011/11... You focused/studied/worked for 90 min… this could help you with recovery:    • 10 Minute Yoga Nidra | Full Nervous S...