Wicking Rope Test - Keeping the Plants Watered while Gone on Vacation

Wicking Rope Test - Keeping the Plants Watered while Gone on Vacation

Wicking Rope Test - Keeping the Plants Watered while Gone on Vacation/Trip Here's the direct Amazon link to this wicking rope: https://www.amazon.com/live/video/032... And as a side note, speaking of going on vacation and leaving your home unattended, check out a video I did on some simple solar lighting you can easily set up to help deter trespassers    • Outdoor Solar Lamps - Exterior Illumi...   This is my honest review and I am glad you are here. Follow along today as I test out this wicking rope to see if it can keep my plants watered while I am away on an up and coming trip. Keeping the plants, especially our lemon tree, happy while I am away is very important to me, and I have tried things in the past to keep them watered, but none really worked. So, this year I am trying this wicking cord/rope I have heard so much about. I cover some specifics you'll not want to miss in the video, so watch the whole thing. I will give you the most important tip right now tho... Set up your own test several days before you go out of town, so that you have time to adjust things as needed. Bottom line is that I am totally happy with this very inexpensive way to keep my plants alive while I am away, and I think you won't be disappointed either! This review is for the ORIMERC 30 feet 1/5 inch Self Watering Capillary Wicking Hydroponic Wick Cord Vacation Plant Sitter DIY Self-Watering Planter Pot Automatic Water System Device Potted Violet Auto Seedling Waterer Rope, found on Amazon. Be sure to click the link above to check out this self-watering wicking rope so that you can see it for yourself. Thanks for watching, now go implement what you've learned keep those plants alive! In addition, you can see ALL of my Amazon Product Reviews here if you like: https://www.amazon.com/shop/brantthom... I strive to give you my honest opinion about all products that I do a review on. I hope it helps! Please support my channel by subscribing here on YouTube, and checking out all my product reviews on my Amazon storefront by clicking the link above. Thanks! #amazonfinds #amazonmusthaves #ad A little note: As an Amazon Associate/Influencer I earn from qualifying purchases, and that means if you purchase anything from Amazon a result of clicking on one of my links above, you are helping to support my family just a tad. Thanks so much in advance.