Tribal People Try Orange Chicken For The First Time!
Tribal People Try Orange Chicken For The First Time in Life #orangechicken #shorts #food Support Us On Patreon: / thetribalact Buy Me A Coffee: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/thetriba... Request a Reaction here: https://forms.gle/7whM8JoFxW6YQPam7 For mailing & any inquiries: [email protected] Our Eating Channel: / @tribalpeoplereact Patreons (Thank you so Much) (Updated 1st of every Month) = Kimberly C Rife David Ta'Shumbria Miller Kim Rife Hollis Helmeci Lee Kim Allsup WALTER MAYFIELD Frankie Hopkins Anna Brianna Arrington Connie Campbell Danny Megan in California Ed Zaharis Elliott Moriarty Nathan Markham Jenny Wren ________________________________________ #tribalpeopletry #tribaltry #tribalreact #foodreaction #tryamericanfood