All Saints by-the-Sea July 2, 2023

All Saints by-the-Sea July 2, 2023

The Church of All Saints by-the-Sea, Southport, Maine Sunday, July 2, 2023 -------------- Fifth Sunday after Pentecost The Reverend Martin Smith Henry Lowe, Organist Order of Service Holy Eucharist, Rite II Prelude Opening Hymn Opening Acclamation BCP* 355 Collect for Purity Glory to God BCP 356 Hymnal S280 10:00AM service Collect of the Day Old Testament Lesson Psalm Epistle Lesson Sequence Hymn Gospel Homily Nicene Creed. BCP 358 Prayers for the People Confession of Sin BCP 360 Peace Announcements Offertory Presentation of the Offering Doxology Hymn 380 (Verse 3) “Our father’s God to thee” Hymn 717 (Verse 4) The Great Thanksgiving Rite II (Prayers A, B, or C, BCP 361, 367, or 369) Sanctus (Holy, Holy, Holy) Hymnal S125 The Lord’s Prayer Communion Post Communion Prayer. BCP 365 Blessing Hymn Dismissal Postlude *BCP – Book of Common Prayer --------------------------------------- Permission to podcast/stream the music in this service Obtained from ONE LICENSE, License #A-735527. All rights reserved. Video compiled and edited by Nancy Adams, Drone footage by Ben Meader, Rhumb Line Maps,