Are You a Prophet? - Radical & Relevant - Matthew Kelly

Are You a Prophet? - Radical & Relevant - Matthew Kelly

December 24th, 2024 - Tuesday of the Fourth Week of Advent (Mass in the Morning) - Year C Today’s Gospel Reading: Saint of the Day: Pray the Rosary: Sign up for BEST ADVENT EVER: Welcome to Radical and Relevant where we are exploring the wisdom of Jesus' teachings! Learn how to experience the Scriptures by listening for a word, phrase, or idea that speaks to you today. This simple approach to the Gospels will change the way you experience the Bible, in particular, life and teachings of Jesus. The wisdom of Jesus is as radical and relevant today as ever before. Explore other life-changing resources at: Subscribe to our YouTube Channel today!    / @matthewkellyauthor   #TodaysGospel #MassReadings #RadicalandRelevant #MatthewKelly #TheBestVersionOfYourself #ThoughtLeader #DailyGospels #DynamicCatholic