Day 15 of 21 Days Weight Loss Challenge - STATUE YOGA
Welcome to Day 15 of our 21-Day Weight Loss Challenge through Yoga Asanas! 🌿 In today’s 20-minute session, we focus on enhancing flexibility, strength, and balance. We’ll start with the "HOOK STEP" (Sukshm Vyayam) to warm up, then flow into 7 asanas designed to improve posture and core strength. The session concludes with calming breathing techniques and relaxation. This challenge is part of my book ‘Is Yoga a Scam,’ Weight Loss Blueprint, 21 Days Yoga Challenge for Beginners to Kickstart a Healthier You! HOOK STEP (Sukshma Vyayam): We’ll warm up with ankle rotations, knee bending, butterfly pose, Sukhasana with twisting, neck rotation, Malasana, and Child’s Pose to get the body ready for the main asanas. Main Asanas for Day 15: 1.Tadasana : Benefit: Enhances posture, strengthens the legs, and improves overall balance. 2.Tree Forward Bend: Benefit: Combines balance with a forward bend to stretch the hamstrings and improve focus. 3.Warrior II (Virabhadrasana II): Benefit: Strengthens the legs and arms, while improving stamina and concentration. 4.Triangle Pose (Trikonasana): Benefit: Stretches the legs, groin, and hips, while improving balance and stability. 5.Camel Pose to Child Pose: Benefit: Opens the chest and shoulders, followed by a gentle stretch for the back and relaxation. 6.Vakrasana (Twisted Pose): Benefit: Improves spinal flexibility and aids digestion. 7.Gomukhasana (Cow Face Pose): Benefit: Stretches the hips, thighs, shoulders, and chest, enhancing flexibility. Closing Rituals: Kapalbhati Shavasana What You’ll Need: Yoga mat Water bottle A quiet, calming space Stay dedicated, and don’t forget to subscribe and hit the bell icon for daily updates. Let’s flow together tomorrow for Day 16! 🙏 🧘♀️ #yogachallenge #weightlossworkout #weightlossyoga #weightlosschallenge #weightlossjourney #weigtloss #weightlosstransformation #weightlossexercise #weightlossathome #weightlossyoga #21daychallenge #weightlossjourney #yogaforweightloss #loseweightfast #21dayweightloss #healthylifestyle #yogachallenge #fitnessgoals #homeworkout #yogaforbeginners #losebellyfat #bodytransformation #weightlosstips #workoutmotivation #healthyweightloss #yogadaily #mindbodysoul #yogainspiration #stayfit #fattofit #weightlossmotivation #wellnessjourney #21dayyogachallenge #getinshape #yogaandfitnesswithshiva #healthyhabits #burncalories #yogaforlife #transformyourbody