(Praise the Lord) Thine is the glory (주님께 영광 #9, 새찬송가 165, 통일찬송 155, 영어가사자막) [최흥영영어찬양]

(Praise the Lord) Thine is the glory (주님께 영광 #9, 새찬송가 165, 통일찬송 155, 영어가사자막) [최흥영영어찬양]

2025년 2월 24일 주일 오후2:30 | 신대원 주일오후예배특송 Thine is the glory 주님께 영광 새찬송가 165장, 통일찬송 155장 찬양: 박인숙목사, 최흥영목사 1.Thine is the glo-ry, Ris-en, con-quering son; End-less is the vic-tory Thou o'er death hast won. An-gels in bright rai-ment Rolled the stone a-way, Kept the fold-ed grave clothes Where Thy bod-y lay. 후렴. Thine is the glo-ry, Ris-en, con-quering Son: End-less is the vic-tory Thou o'er death hast won. 2.Lo! Je-sus meets us. Ris-en from the tomb; Lov-ing-ly He greets us, Scat-ters fear and gloom; Let His Church with glad-ness Hymns of tri-umph sing, For her Lord now liv-eth; Death hath lost its sting. 3.No more we doubt Thee, Glo-rious Prince of life! Life is naught with-out Thee; Aid us in our strife; Make us more than con-querors, Through Thy death-less love, Bring us safe through Jor-dan To Thy home a-bove.