Hungry DINO Snack Surprise | 🦖🦕 T-Rex Ranch Dinosaur Videos

Hungry DINO Snack Surprise | 🦖🦕 T-Rex Ranch Dinosaur Videos

There's a heat wave at T-Rex Ranch, and a mysterious "Ice Creamasaurus" is stealing all of Andy and Asher's frozen treats -- or could there be a more likely explanation? SUBSCRIBE ▶▶ MORE T-REX RANCH VIDEOS -------------------- Dinosaur Adventure Stories:    • Dinosaur Adventure Stories   Newest Adventures:    • Newest Adventures   The Adventures of Aaron & LB:    • The Adventures of Aaron & LB   Website ► Facebook ►   / trexranchtv   Instagram ►   / t_rexranch   #dinosaurs #jurassic #trex #rex #ranch #dino #trexranch