Spider-Man 4: Brand New Day | Spider-Gwen Teaser Trailer (2026) - Tom Holland, Sabrina Carpenter

Spider-Man 4: Brand New Day | Spider-Gwen Teaser Trailer (2026) - Tom Holland, Sabrina Carpenter

After the events of the last film Spider-Man: No Way Home, Peter deals with loss of May and prepares for life at college, where he meets new classmate Gwen Stacy! An old villain is back and new love Spider-Gewn come to Peter live. Enjoy the new fan trailer for Spiderman! Vulture and Scorpion are back! Spider-Man 4: Brand New Day Fan Trailer #TomHolland #SabrinaCarpenter #MichaelKeaton #marvel #spiderman #vulture #scorpion #spiderman4 #gwenstacy Tom Holland - Peter Parker / Spider-Man Sabrina Carpenter - Gwen Stacy / Spider-Gwen Michael Keaton - Adrian Toomes / Vulture Michael Mando - Mac Gargan / Scorpion This trailer is a concept-mashup that shows my idea of ​​how the trailer for Spider-Man 4: Brand New Day might look like. Trailer mashups are often created for a movie that does not exist now or to change the genre of an existing film. These are derivative works as defined by the United States Copyright Act 17 U.S.C. § 101, and as such, may find protection from copyright claims under the doctrine of fair use. The trailer mashups are not only a user generated form of digital creativity but a way to create anticipation for future releases, working in tandem with current movie trailers. Movie trailers are designed to give minimal plot detail and to create hype and anticipation. Fan made trailer mashups allow the audience to perform their own cinematic spin on current movie footage. This allows the trailer to focus on a specific actor or portion of the film. It could even change the plot or genre of the film entirely.