Joe Bonamassa - How to connect pentatonic boxes to find new ideas
For tabs and text of this video lesson, see the August 2022 issue of Guitar World - https://bit.ly/GW2020w TALES FROM NERDVILLE by Joe Bonamassa CHAIRMAN OF THE BORED, PART 2 How to “connect the dots” to break out of a rut In this lesson, Joe Bonamassa continues investigating ways to find new ideas and musical inspiration to help break out of a soloing rut. Many blues and rock players learn how to devise single-note licks by studying the “box” patterns for scales like minor and major pentatonic. One of the best ways to break out of a rut when soloing and mine new musical territory is to move from one box and fretboard position to another as a line progresses, taking advantage along the way of what each new fretboard “destination” will yield. #JoeBonamassa #TALESFROMNERDVILLE