मरते हुए नींबू के पौधे को कैसे बचाएं | How To Revive any dying plant in 4 easy steps, With Updates

मरते हुए नींबू के पौधे को कैसे बचाएं | How To Revive any dying plant in 4 easy steps, With Updates

Follow me on official instagram to chat with me on your queries.   / bonsai_and_gardening_zone   ================================== You bring a healthy and green plant from the nursery to your home. For a few months, that plant remains healthy and flourishes well. But suddenly it becomes sick and slowly starts drying up. You do not understand the reason for this and to save the plant from drying, you start watering more. But due to such overwatering, the sick plant starts drying up faster and it dies within few days. if you are fond of gardening, then this must have happened with you too. There can be many reasons for the sudden drying of plants. Such as repotting shock, poor soil, excessive sunlight or lack of sunlight, excessive or little watering, lack of nutrition or any disease. In this video I am going to tell you how you can save your dying lemon plant. And what mistakes do you make, due to which the plant dies. What are the common diseases in lemon and other house plants, and how they can be treated effectively. At the end of the video, I will tell you five amazing tricks that will help you to keep your plants healthy and flourishing throughout the year. If plants dry up at your home too often, then this video is going to be very helpful for you. Also Watch These Amazing gardening videos: ➡️ लौकी घीया / तुरई / करेला /खीरा के छोटे फल सड़कर नहीं गिरेंगे कीजिये ये ऑर्गेनिक उपाय Stop Fruit Drop    • लौकी घीया / तुरई / करेला /खीरा के छोट...   ➡️ How To Start Terrace Garden Complete Training.    • छत / बालकनी में गार्डन बनाने का पूरा ...   ➡️ ₹50 में फ्रूट क्रेट को बदलिए बड़े ग्रोइंग कंटेनर में : DIY Make Big Planter From Scrap    • ₹50 में फ्रूट क्रेट को बदलिए बड़े ग्र...   ➡️ गमले में उगाइए ढेर सारे बैंगन How to grow brinjal in pot    • गमले में ढेर सारे बैंगन उगाइए 3G कटिं...   ➡️ How To Grow Cucumbers In Container. Step By Step Guide, With 60 Days Updates.    • How To Grow Cucumbers In Container. S...   ➡️ Aise Ugata Hun Gamle Me Bade Bade Kaddu~Full Update ~ How To Grow HUGE Pumpkins In Pot    • गमले में बड़े कद्दू उगाने का पूरा तरी...   ➡️ इस तरीके से इतने सारे करेले उगेंगे गमले में कि हैरान रह जाएंगे How To Grow Bitter Gourd : 3G Cutting    • इस तरीके से इतने सारे करेले उगेंगे गम...   ➡️How To Grow Pomegranate In Pot From Seed To harvest : Full Updates : Tips To Get More Fruits    • गमले में ढेर सारे अनार उगाने का तरीका...   ➡️ किचन वेस्ट से खाद बनाने का सबसे असान तरीका How to make Compost from kitchen waste   • How to make Compost with kitchen & ga...   @Bonsai and Gardening Zone =============================== Thanks for watching and keep on gardening. #HowToReviveDyingPlanHt #ReviveDyingPlant #SaveDyingPlant #SaveDyingRose #howtosavedyinglemonplant #ContainerGardening #terracegardening #terracegardeningideas #vegetablegardening #RoortopGarden #gardening