Why a house is not an Asset Robert Kiyosaki #financialeducation​ #realestate​ #investing​ #shorts

Why a house is not an Asset Robert Kiyosaki #financialeducation​ #realestate​ #investing​ #shorts

Why a house is not an Asset Robert Kiyosaki #financialeducation​ #realestate​ #investing​ #shorts​ #assetallocation #passiveinvesting #diyinvesting #alternativeinvesting #financialknowledge #personalwealth #passivewealth #bestinvesting #millennialinvesting #personalcapital #money #financialeducation #rich #motivation #personalfinance #investing #realestate #wealthgeneration #financialfree #realestateinvesting Why a house is not an Asset Robert Kiyosaki #financialeducation​ #realestate​ #investing​ #shorts​ #assetallocation #passiveinvesting #diyinvesting #alternativeinvesting #financialknowledge #personalwealth #passivewealth #bestinvesting #millennialinvesting #personalcapital #money #financialeducation #rich #motivation #personalfinance #investing #realestate #wealthgeneration #financialfree #realestateinvesting " Assets put money in my pocket liabilities take money from my pocket. When you buy a bigger house you have taxes and you have upkeep. So money is always flowing out. That's why your house is not an asset is because it's taking money from your pocket. when I was 25 bought my first house and it was an apartment an investment property I rented it out. It put money in my pocket. Ff you have a job you pay tax, but income the rich get richer because when you have asset income taxes are less you can get it down to zero if you want." Robert Kiyosaki is an entrepreneur, educator, and investor, best known as the author of Rich Dad Poor Dad—the #1 personal finance book of all time. He has challenged and changed the way tens of millions of people around the world think about money. And he has become a passionate and outspoken advocate for financial education. Robert kiyosaki is the author of book FAKE: Fake Money, Fake Teachers, Fake Assets: How Lies Are Making the Poor and Middle-Class Poorer . Robert Kiyosaki broke the internet with this life changing speech. They don't want you to see this! This is why the poor stay poor and the rich get richer! #shorts​ #rich​ #financialeducation​ #money​ #investing​ #realestate​