杏仁酥饼食谱Almond Crunch Cookies Recipe|酥脆,满满杏仁香|年饼食谱|Crunchy, full of Almond Flavor|CNY Recipe

杏仁酥饼食谱Almond Crunch Cookies Recipe|酥脆,满满杏仁香|年饼食谱|Crunchy, full of Almond Flavor|CNY Recipe

♦白杏仁酥食谱White Almond Cookies Recipe:   • 白杏仁酥White Almond Cookies|无白油,无发粉,无苏打粉...   ♦传统核桃酥食谱Traditional Walnut Cookies Recipe:    • 传统核桃酥Traditional Walnut Cookies|漂亮裂痕,...   ♦传统花生饼食谱 Traditional Peanut Cookies Recipe:    • 传统花生饼|入口即化|年饼食谱|How to Make Tradition...   ♦新年食谱CNY Recipe:   • Chinese New Year Recipe 新年食谱     ♦饼干食谱 Cookies Recipe:    • Cookies   ♦ Facebook Page:   / iwen777   ♦ Instagram ID: iwen777 ♦ Oven: Electrolux 72L Built in Oven: https://c.lazada.com.my/t/c.Y5Zedw?ur... ♦数码厨房秤网购链接Digital Kitchen Scale Lazada Links: https://s.lazada.com.my/s.idoP5?cc 好好享受,与我分享你作品的照片在我的Facebook Page上哦。 :-) Enjoy and share photos of your creation with me on my Facebook Page.   农历新年很近了,继续来做传统“杏仁酥饼”,烤好边沿自然开裂如花朵,象征新年开花结果。做法简单快速直接,赶快动手做起来。采用了很多纯杏仁粒来制作,饼干里面有杏仁粉和满满杏仁颗粒,顶部抹上蛋黄液再加上一整颗杏仁。新鲜出炉,满屋杏仁香,饼干边沿自然开裂成花朵,顶部蛋黄液黄金回油,食欲满满。掰开来,外酥脆加上香脆杏仁粒,内部松散口感还有满满杏仁颗粒,口感丰富口味好香。适合当年饼。 收藏方式:烤好彻底凉透,室温收密封容器保存一个月。要新鲜7天内吃。 Lunar New Year is so near, so let’s continue to make traditional “Almond Crunch Cookies”. When baked, edges naturally crack like flowers, symbolizing a fruitful and blossoming New Year. The method is simple, quick and direct, so faster make this recipe. Made with a lot of pure almond kernels, cookies within contain almond powder and full almond pieces, brushed with egg yolk and topped with whole almond. Freshly baked, whole house is filled with almond aroma, cookie edges naturally crack into flower shape, yolk egg wash on top turned golden shining, so appetizing. Break apart, flaky crunchy on the outside with crunchy whole almond, loose and full of almond bits on the inside. Rich texture with delicious flavor. Suitable as CNY Cookies. Storage Method: After baking, let it cool thoroughly and store in airtight container at room temperature for one month. Freshest taste, eat within 7 days. ♦Ingredient List 食材=49pcs Almond Crunch Cookies 杏仁酥饼 (10g/pc)= 50g Almond (Roasted, Chopped into small pieces) 杏仁 (烤香, 切小块) 220g All Purpose Flour 普通中筋面粉 30g Ground Almond/Almond Flour 杏仁粉 2g Baking Powder 泡打粉 2g Baking Soda 苏打粉 85g Caster Sugar 细砂糖 1g Salt 盐 110g Corn Oil/Vegetable Oil (Add in few additions) 玉米油/植物油 (分几次加入) =Toppings 装饰= Egg Wash 蛋液 (1 Egg Yolk蛋黄) 49pcs Whole Almond (Not Roasted) 整颗杏仁(没烤过) (Preheated Oven 160C: 20-23minutes) (Top Bottom Heat, No Fan Force, Middle Rack) (预热烤箱160C: 20-23分钟) (上下火,不开旋风,中层烤) ♦ MUSIC Artist: Spazz Cardigan Title: Lucid_Dreamer Artist: Wayne Jones Title: First Love #年饼食谱 #杏仁酥饼 #酥脆 #杏仁饼 #杏仁酥 #传统年饼 #CNYCookies #AlmondCrunchCookies #Flaky #Crunchy #AlmondCookies #AlmondCrisp #TraditionalCNYCookies