WE NEED TO SPIN BAAAACCK! - Fullmetal Alchemist Episode 10 Reaction

WE NEED TO SPIN BAAAACCK! - Fullmetal Alchemist Episode 10 Reaction

Want to support me further? Join the membership & get perks like the next episodes early. Supporting further here -    / @aegechill   Why you even here in the description.... LEAVE. I don't wanna talk about nothing. Yall better not bring up his name in the comments either... its just too soon man. We gonna get back...WE HAVE TO GET BACK FOR MY BOOOOOOOYYYYYY MAYES HUGHES. So here's Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood episode 10 (1x10) reaction hope yall enjoy the continuation of our anime journey. FMAB episode 10 "Separate Destinations" Toss A penny to your boy, editing vids is time consuming: https://streamlabs.com/aege95/tip Get earlier series reactions, join the membership here & support me further:    / @aegechill   Twitter:   / aege95   Tiktok:   / aegechill   Twitch:   / aege95   Business Email: [email protected] Gaming Channel:    / @aegebechillin   #fullmetalalchemist #fmab #fullmetalalchemistbrotherhood #edwardelric #roymustang