Sunday 21st August 2022: Eleventh Sunday after Pentecost

Sunday 21st August 2022: Eleventh Sunday after Pentecost

The 21st of August is the anniversary of the purchase of the Sacred Heart Church by of community. Ten years ago, I received the keys of this beautiful building, formerly owned by the Jesuit Order and sold to become a leisure centre. Our young charity “Friends of the Institute of Christ the King” became the new owner, with the kind permission of local authorities and promised to restore it to its original vocation: a house of prayer where God is worthily worshipped, a place where souls can encounter Christ in the sacraments and where all things are done for the Greater Glory of God. Its condition was of course very different than the current one as it remained six years without any maintenance. Those who remember the church at this time can testify to its emptiness. All liturgical items had been removed: main altar, tabernacle, stations of the cross, pews, altar rail, pulpit... We also remember the amount of dust, of dead birds and dry rot all over the property. We will sing a Te Deum – hymn of thanksgiving– at the end of the 10:30 am Mass to thank Almighty God for keeping this building as a truly Catholic church. We will also remember in our prayers all those, living and dead, who supported this purchase and its restoration. LIVE STREAMING OF MASSES Sunday: 10:30 am Monday to Wednesday: 8 am and 6 pm Thursday: 8 am Friday: 6 pm (Mass with sermon followed by the Sacred Heart devotions) Saturday: 8 am and 10:30 am We are very grateful for your help to help us restore the Sacred Heart Church in Limerick. For your Offertory donation, thank you for using this link: Thank you for your generosity! To support the Sister Adorers in Ardee: To celebrate a Mass for a special intention: Revolut: @canonlebocq Paypal: You can now subscribe to the Institute of Christ the King Sovereign Priest Irish newsletters at this address: Sacred Heart Church Institute of Christ the King Sovereign Priest The Crescent Limerick V94 HK29 Ireland +353-61-315-812 Would you like to support the formation of Irish vocations in the Institute? Abbe Brayan MCDERMOTT (Third Year Seminarian) Abbe Raphael LACKEN (Second Year Seminarian) Abbe Darrell LALLY (Second Year Seminarian) Mr Christopher BERNENS (First Year Seminarian) Mr Daniel MORANS (Candidate to the Seminary)