9am Mass on the Solemnity of Mary, Holy Mother of God / New Year's Day
All are invited to join online via YouTube for a LIVE broadcast of 9 a.m. Mass on New Year's Day, the Solemnity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Holy Mother of God, at Queen of Angels Church. The Mass is for the Holy Day of Obligation on January 1, New Year's Day. Worship aid: https://parish.queenofangelschicago.o... Do let us know via a comment if you are experiencing any difficulty with hearing the celebrant, cantor or lectors! Please consider making an offering online via GiveCentral. Holy Day Offering: https://www.givecentral.org/customiza... Christmas Offering: https://www.givecentral.org/customiza... Music performed with permission under ONE LICENSE #A-704735. All rights reserved.