February 22, 2023 - Ash Wednesday - "Rooting for the Anti-Hero"

February 22, 2023 - Ash Wednesday - "Rooting for the Anti-Hero"

Welcome all to the love and grace of Jesus. Cornerstone United Methodist is excited to have you join us for our Ash Wednsday service today. Today we will be worshipping with our music ministry leading us in "Alas and Did My Savior Bleed", "Near to the Heart of God", "Fade Away", and "Fresh Wind". Our scripture today comes from the book of Pslam, chapter 51, verses 1-5 & 10-13 and John, 1:5 - 2:3. Our message will be presented by Andy Unger, Director of Youth Ministries and is titled "Rooting for the Anti-Hero".