[1DAY 1KOREA: K-MOVIE] Ep.8 The Apartment with Two Women (같은 속옷을 입는 두 여자)
Ep 8 The Apartment with Two Women A daughter who feels deprived of the love that she was entitled to receive from her mother And a mother who believes all the problems strangling her life originate from her daughter The story begins as an accident occurs where the daughter is run over by a car the mother was driving at the mart ! While the mother claims it was an SUA, the daughter thinks it was done by design [The Apartment with Two Women] is a film about a dispassionate relationship between a mother and daughter, who are close enough to share their underwear but conflicted with getting across how they feel for each other Miya and Andrea are back to review this film which has garnered positive receptions from many film festivals in and out of the nation, including the 26th BIFF Ep 8 같은 속옷을 입는 두 여자 엄마에게 마땅히 받아야 했던 사랑을 받지 못했다고 여기는 딸 그리고 자신의 삶을 둘러싼 모든 문제의 원인이 딸에게 있다고 생각하는 엄마 어느 날 마트에서 엄마가 타고 있던 차가 딸을 치는 사고가 발생하는데 ! 엄마는 급발진을 주장하지만 딸은 고의라고 확신한다 속옷을 공유하는 사이지만 서로의 속마음은 알지 못한 채 서로를 온전히 미워하지도 사랑하지도 못하는 모녀 관계를 다룬 영화 [같은 속옷을 입는 두 여자] 제 26회 부산국제영화제를 비롯해 국내외 영화제의 호평을 받는 이 영화를 미야 & 레아와 함께 리뷰해본다 #theapartmentwithtwowomen #kimsein #lymjiho #yangmalbok #andrea #miya #familymovie #motheranddaughter #biff #siff #biff #moviereview #newmovie #foreignerreview #같은속옷을입는두여자 #김세인감독 #임지호 #양말복 #레아 #미야 #가족영화 #모녀 #부산국제영화제 #서울독립영화제 #베를린국제영화제 #영화리뷰 #최신영화 #외국인리뷰