Revitalize Your Eyes and Combat Computer Vision Syndrome with High-impact Eye Exercises

Revitalize Your Eyes and Combat Computer Vision Syndrome with High-impact Eye Exercises

In today’s digital age, our eyes are under constant strain from prolonged compute and screen use, leading to fatigue, dryness, blurred vision, headaches, neck pain, back pain, trouble focusing, increased anxiety, and more. Collectively, this is termed Computer Vision Syndrome and the estimates are that it impacts up to 70% of working adults! Last week we launch a series discussing this increasingly common problem and gave you two key exercises and concepts to work on. This week, we're taking the next step toward defeating CVS by focusing on (no pun intended) eye exercises that will help counteract the daily strain and tension we accumulate during prolonged screen use. Also, these exercises are not only beneficial for combating CVS but also contribute to overall eye health, leaving you feeling more alert and focused. As a brain-based company, ZHealthPerformance is committed to providing high-level movement professionals with cutting-edge education. If that describes you, please like, subscribe, and hit the notification bell to stay updated on our latest brain-based content.! 👁️✨ Video Highlights: • Combating Computer Vision Syndrome • Isometric Holds • Smooth Pursuits Concussion Rehabilitation Series: Concussion Rehabilitation (4 Areas You Can't Ignore!)    • Concussion Rehabilitation (4 Areas Yo...   Concussion Rehabilitation (Better Heart = Better Brain!)    • Concussion Rehabilitation (Better Hea...   Hidden Risks of Hearing Loss Series: Hidden Risks of Hearing Loss (The Dementia Connection)    • Hidden Risks of Hearing Loss (The Dem...   Hidden Risks of Hearing Loss (Fall Risks Rise Dramatically!)    • Hidden Risks of Hearing Loss (Fall Ri...   Golfer's Elbow Pain Relief Series: Golfer's Elbow Pain Relief (Why Spinal Mobility Matters!)    • Golfer's Elbow Pain Relief (Why Spina...   Golfer's Elbow Pain Relief (The Hip-Elbow Connection!)    • Golfer's Elbow Pain Relief (The Hip-E...   Golfer's Elbow Pain Relief (Better Shoulders = Better Elbows!)    • Golfer's Elbow Pain Relief (Better Sh...   Golfer's Elbow Pain Relief (Vital Soft Tissue Mobilizations!)    • Golfer's Elbow Pain Relief (Vital Sof...   Golfer's Elbow Pain Relief (The Ulnar Nerve Connection!)    • Golfer's Elbow Pain Relief (The Ulnar...   Golfer's Elbow Pain Relief (Brain-Based Strengthening!)    • Golfer's Elbow Pain Relief (Brain-Bas...   Tennis Elbow Relief Series: Tennis Elbow Pain Relief (Key Brain-Based Strategies!)    • Tennis Elbow Pain Relief (Key Brain-B...   Tennis Elbow Pain Relief (Skin Mobility Matters!)    • Tennis Elbow Pain Relief (Skin Mobili...   Carpal Tunnel Relief Series: -- Carpal Tunnel Relief (3 Vital Neck Exercises):    • Carpal Tunnel Relief (3 Vital Neck Ex...   -- Carpal Tunnel Pain Relief (5 Key Strategies & High Payoff Exercises!):    • Carpal Tunnel Pain Relief (5 Key Stra...   -- Carpal Tunnel Relief (Critical Hand Exercises!):    • Carpal Tunnel Relief (Critical Hand E...   — Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Relief (Nerve Exercises Made Simple):    • Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Relief (Nerve ...   If you're interested in learning more about brain-based training follow this link to register for our FREE 8-hour online course Neurofundamentals and download our FREE e-book! Content ID: MB013QOZGHZFQ0E