रोज अंडा खाने के फायदें | Desi Ande Khane Ke Fayde | Benifits of eating 2 eggs daily!

रोज अंडा खाने के फायदें | Desi Ande Khane Ke Fayde | Benifits of eating 2 eggs daily!

रोज अंडा खाने के फायदें | Desi Ande Khane Ke Fayde | Benifits of eating 2 eggs daily! Eggs are an essential part of our diet. Eggs are one of the few foods that should be classified as "superfoods." There is a multitude of surprising benefits to eating eggs (Anda Khane Ke Fayde) every day. Not only do eggs provide high-quality protein, but they also contain 11 vitamins and minerals, omega-3 fatty acids, and antioxidants. Eggs help increase levels of good cholesterol in the body. Eating eggs can also help reduce variations in glucose levels, which can benefit weight management. Eggs are rich (Anda Khane Ke Fayde) in several nutrients that promote heart health, such as betaine and choline. Doctors recommend eating 2 boiled eggs (uble hue ande khane ke fawaid) in a day is perfectly safe for overall health. Eggs boost metabolic activity and increase feelings of fullness. Eating an egg-based breakfast may stop a person from consuming extra calories throughout the day. You can eat eggs in any form but the priority is to eat boiled eggs daily. Chapters:- 00.00 Intro 00:10 About Egg 01:08 Eggs Nutrition information 03:36 Egg Benefits for Weight Loss 04:04 Eggs Benefits for Bones 04:30 Anda ke fayde Aankho ke liye 04:49 Ande ke faydeDimag ke liye 05:25 Eggs Benefits for energy 05:44 Eggs Benefits for Body Building 06:02 Cancer me Ande ke fayde 06:30 Blood pressure ke liye Anda ke fayde 06:51 Eggs Benefits for Immune system 07:06 Egg's are Best Source of Protein 07:28 Pregnancy me Ande Khane Ke Fayde 07:44 Eggs Benefits for Skin 08:01 Ande ke fayde Balo ke liye 08:10 Nakhun ke liye Ande Khane Ke Fayde 08:38 Ande Khane Ke Nuksan Please subscribe to the channel: ‪@KnowYourFoods‬ My Website: Hindi:- http://www.jaypandey.in English:- http://www.jaymart.in Hindi Blog:- http://www.jaypandey111.blogspot.com YouTube video Link's बादाम के फायदे:-    • Video   अंडे खाने के फायदे:-    • Video   सेव खाने के फायदे:-    • Video   आलू खाने के फायदे:-    • Video   झींगा खाने के फ़ायदे:-    • Video   मूंगफली खाने के लाभ:-    • Video   Keywords: Desi ande khane ke fayde Roj 1 Anda Khane Ke Fayde, Anda khane ke kya fayde hote hain Ande ke fayde in hindi Are eggs bad for you Boiled egg diet side effects Desi ande ke fayde Egg harmful or beneficial Eggs side effects 1 din mein kitne ande khana chahiye Side effects of eggs अंडा खाने के फायदें देसी अंडे के फायदे देसी अंडा खाने के फायदे रोज 2 अंडे खाने से क्या होगा रोज अंडा खाने के फायदें Benefits of eggs for body #Egg #Eggs #anda #Andekefayde #andekibhurji #andacurry #Knowyourfoods #knowyourfood