How To Seduce Older Women - Approach & Attract Mature Women Regardless Of Your Age (MUST WATCH)

How To Seduce Older Women - Approach & Attract Mature Women Regardless Of Your Age (MUST WATCH)

How To Seduce Older Women - Approach & Attract Mature Women Regardless Of Your Age (MUST WATCH). Learn how to attract her and what you need to do to be noticed by a mature woman Once women hit a certain age they start to change their minds about what they want in life and who they want to spend their time with. Some women get 10 years into marriage and fall out of love with their partner and want a divorce, which could be a complete shock to him as he hasn't noticed any signs. Maybe he doesn't care or a younger woman in the office has caught his eye. But young men tend to go for the older woman for several reasons, some that are personal to them and some that are psychological conditions subjected to their upbringing. Girls their age are not as appealing to them and they require hard work and grafting if we're being honest. Guys can't be bothered to put in that work. And it seems that the easier option is to go for a mature woman who doesn't have unrealistic expectations because she has an experienced life. However it can be very scary to go for an older woman as they don't play by the same rules as those in your age group. Older women know what they want and if you're not it then they won't waste their time. So we've asked the questions and we've dotted the eyes and found out how you can seduce an older lady, free from fear of rejection. Get your pens ready guys, it's time to go to school #Joyanima #Dating #Olderwomen #Mature 0:00 Intro 1:13 How to seduce older women 1:21 Be mature 1:47 Pay her attention 2:14 Communicate with maturity 2:47 Take care of your presentation 3:07 Dress well 3:37 Maintain regular hygiene 4:05 Smell good 4:28 Fun loving personality 5:04 Show your manners 5:23 Have fun 🥰🥰🥰Join the Joyanima channel as a member:    / @joyanima   Benefits include: 😀Loyalty badges - show your support 😀Emojis 😀Access member only high engagement community posts - discuss future videos and more! 😀Behind the scenes bits and pieces 💌What did you think of today's video? Do you know of any other things women say? Comment below and let us know. I try my best to respond to as many comments as possible! 🥰Have you been enjoying our videos on relationship advice and psychology? Be sure to subscribe for more daily videos! Check out some of our other popular videos below. *The links above and below are affiliate, we may receive a small commission if you make a purchase. Give Snap Supplements a try & use code "JOY" for 10% off -Shaker -NO2 Capsules -NO2 Beets -Pre Workout -Heart Health -L-Carnitine Gummies ✨Signs a girl doesn't like you:    • 12 Signs A Girl Doesn’t Like You   ✨50 psychological facts about love    • 50 Psychological Facts About Love Tha...   ✨Psychological facts about girls    • 36 Psychological Facts About Girls Th...   ✨Signs a girl likes you:    • 19 Signs A Girl Likes You / Does She ...   ✨How to spot a narcissist:    • 11 Signs Someone Is A Narcissist - Ho...   ✨30 Soulmate Signs:    • 30 Soulmates Signs – How To Know If S...   ✨How to spot fake people:    • 8 Signs of Fake Nice People - How To ...   ✨How to read anyone using body language and psychology:    • How To Read People – 20 Psychological...   ✨Why intelligent people find love and relationships difficult:    • 17 Dating Struggles Of Highly Intelli...   ✨How to stop overthinking:    • How To Stop Overthinking – 10 Tips To...   🔥Please consider subscribing if you enjoyed today's video. Every day we publish new videos on psychology, psychological tips, interesting facts, dating tips, relationship advice and more. Subscribe to never miss a video. ✍️Follow us on social media! 👋Facebook:   / joyanimasocial   👋Twitter:   / joyanimasocial   👋Instagram:   / joyanimasocial   🌷Patreon:   / joyanima   💐Become a member:    / @joyanima