Ukulele tutorial - "How To Change Chords Quicker" #ukulele #tips #chords
#ukulele #tutorial #tips #chords #lesson #tutorials #ukelele Learn tips and techniques how to change ukulele chords quicker. Plus, how best to learn and practice chords in groups. Please "Like" and "Subscribe" to the channel. Be sure to hit the bell so you won't miss any upcoming videos. I post weekly ukulele lessons and play along videos. Community: To join the mailing list to receive updates, send an email to: [email protected]?subject=AddMeToMailingList YouTube channel: / ithinkimgonnauke Facebook: / imgonnauke Instagram: / imgonnauke Ways to Support the channel: Tip jar via PayPal: @IThinkImGonnaUke Zzounds Music Gear & Instruments (affiliate link) https://www.zzounds.com/a--3983527