The Hindu news analysis||August 30 2023||UPSC Prelims and mains '23

The Hindu news analysis||August 30 2023||UPSC Prelims and mains '23

In this video, we have discussed the essential news articles from different editions of "The Hindu" News Paper. This video decodes the relevance of each article by comprehensively linking with the UPSC syllabus, providing background for the article and analysing present context for UPSC Prelims and Mains dimensions. At the end of the video, a Practice-cum-Revision session on UPSC Previous/Model MCQs is available, and Model/Previous Mains Questions are given for your practice Time Stamping ►►Introduction - 00:00 ►►List of Topics - 00:08 1. Pragyan confirms sulphur near south pole of moon; search on for hydrogen - 00:52 2. IAS officer alleges graft in Jal Jeevan Mission scheme in J&K, says he was harassed by L-G - 04:45 3. The Election Commission — autonomy in the crosshairs (Editorial)- 09:25 4. All for small (Editorial)- 15:11 5. Cong. asks if SEBI is planning to let off Adani with just fines- 20:08 6. Delhi HC seeks Centre’s response on plea by NGO over FCRA licence- 24:48 7. Prelims Practice Questions- 30:51 8. Mains Practice Questions - 33:23 #ElectionCommission #NGO #FCRA #Pragyan #Chandrayaan3 #JalJeevanMission #Rover #Chandrayan #ForeignContributionRegulationAct #TheHindunewspaperanalysis #DailyCurrentAffairs #thehinduanalysis #currentaffairstoday #DailyNewsSimplified #UpscThehindunewspaper #Currentaffairsforupsc #thehindutoday #Thehindutodayanalysis #TheHindueditoral #Thehindunewstoday #Currentaffairstoday #CurrentAffairsUPSCAnalysis #upsccurrentaffairs #iascurrentaffairs #editorialanaysis #TheHinduEditorialAnalysis #HinduEditorialAnalysis #currentaffairs #upsccurrentaffairs2023 #currentaffairsforupsc #currentaffairsquiz #currentaffairsquiz2023 #upsccurrentaffairsquiz #importantcurrentaffairs #importantcurrentaffairs2023 #prelims2023 #upscprelims2023 #upscpreparation #upscmotivation #upscelimination #upsctricks #upsctrending #CurrentAffairs #USPC #IAS #UPSC #Currentaffairs #UPSCCurrentAffairs #UPSCCSE2023 #upsc #Currentaffairsforupsc #currentaffairstoday