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챗GPT 설교를 직접 들어봅시다 / 고난을 위로하는 산상수훈 AI 설교 / AI 작성, 번역, 더빙, 그림 (영상 편집만 사람)

Chat GPT가 써준 영어 설교를 구글번역기로 한글로 번역하고 클로바 더빙으로 음성을 추출해 VREW로 자막을 자동 생성하고 Stable Diffusion으로 관련 배경 이미지를 만들었습니다 #인공지능 #ChatGPT #인공지능설교 원문은 이렇습니다 Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, As we gather here today, we come with a shared understanding of the challenges and difficulties that can be a part of life Whether it's the pain of personal loss, the struggle of navigating a difficult situation, or the hardships of facing injustice, we all know what it's like to feel the weight of suffering In the midst of these difficulties, it can be easy to feel overwhelmed and alone But it's important to remember that we have a source of comfort and hope in the teachings of Jesus, as outlined in the Sermon on the Mount The Sermon on the Mount, found in Matthew 5-7, is one of the most well-known and beloved passages in the Bible In this sermon, Jesus lays out a vision for the way we are called to live as his followers, teaching us about God's kingdom and the qualities that are valued in his eyes One of the key themes of the Sermon on the Mount is the call to live a life of love and compassion, even in the midst of pain and suffering For example, in Matthew 5:44, Jesus says, "But I say to you, Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you " This message is a powerful reminder that even when we are faced with difficult circumstances and people who may cause us harm, we are called to love and pray for them This can be a difficult and challenging command, but it's one that brings hope and peace to our hearts, as we focus on the love of God and extend that love to those around us In Matthew 5:3-12, Jesus speaks of the "blessedness" of those who are poor in spirit, those who mourn, the meek, those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, the merciful, the pure in heart, the peacemakers, and those who are persecuted for righteousness' sake These verses paint a picture of the kind of life God desires for us, one that is characterized by humility, compassion, and a desire for righteousness They remind us that even when we are facing difficult circumstances, we can find joy and contentment in our relationship with God It's also worth noting that in the original language of the New Testament (Greek), some of the words used in this passage have rich and nuanced meanings For example, the Greek word for "blessed" (μακάριος) carries the idea of being "happy" or "fortunate" in a deep and profound sense, even in the midst of suffering This means that even when we are facing challenges and difficulties, we can find joy and contentment in our relationship with God In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus provides us with a roadmap for living a life of love, compassion, and hope As we strive to live out these teachings, may we find peace in the midst of pain and suffering, and may we extend love and compassion to all those around us May we be a light to the world, reflecting the love of God and bringing hope to those in need In conclusion, the Sermon on the Mount is a source of comfort and hope in the midst of pain and suffering May its messages bring us peace and encouragement as we navigate the challenges of life, and may we always strive to live out the teachings of Jesus Amen [밴쿠버기독교세계관대학원 (VIEW) 후원 안내] 한국 후원 viewinkorea@gmail com 로 메일 주시면 후원 방법을 안내해 드립니다 해외 신용 카드나 북미에서 후원하고자 하시는 분들이 계시다면 으로 가시면 후원 약정이 가능하십니다