432hz Cognition Enhancer | DEEP ALPHA BINAURALBEAT | Deep Concentration, Focus & Meditation Music
Relaxing music: 432Hz and 8Hz Alpha binaural beats enhance our cognition, focus, and concentration because it encourages all brain cell dendrites to operate with the maximum information flow possible between both hemispheres. Scientists call this “whole brain synchronization” and when achieved, your brain experiences extremely beneficial changes in hemispheric blood flow and chemistry. When the two hemispheres of our brain are synchronized with each other – “unlocked and unused” potential and resources in our subconscious mind (connected to the right hemisphere) becomes awakened in this synchronization. Numerous electroencephalograph (EEG) studies have shown that humanity’s greatest philosophers, thinkers, inventors, and artists use both brain hemispheres together, in unison.432 hz music works to balance both hemispheres of the brain, forcing them to work in harmony. Unfortunately, most people use one hemisphere more than the other, creating an imbalance in their physiology and psychology.