Around Every Corner Part 3: The Heist

Around Every Corner Part 3: The Heist

In this episode we break in to Crawford, the very "prestigious" settlement within Savannah. From what we have heard, Crawford was not a good place. They got rid of the children, the elderly and the sick to save themselves. Now we are going to break in to steal the supplies that we need and they have...will all go to plan? Come find out! #WalkingDeadStarvedforHelp #thewalkingdead #twitch #twitchstreamer Intro/Outro Screen: Kyorinara   / kyorinara   Intro Song: Well Known by Harris Heller Outro Song: Another Lie by Harris Heller Thank you for supporting me! Twitter:   / novalypso395   Twitch:   / novalypso   TikTok: