11.3.24 All Saints’ Sunday with Renewal of Baptismal Vows
0:00 - Prelude 19:34 - Introit 23:35 - Hymn - For All the Saints 30:23 - Opening Prayers 33:28 - Isaiah 25:6-9 35:11 - Psalm 24:3-8 37:37 - Revelation 21:1-6a 39:15 - Hymn - Soon and Very Soon 43:05 - John 11:32-44 48:59 - Sermon by The Rev. Canon Jan Naylor Cope 1:01:52 - The Renewal of Baptismal Vows 1:10:44 - The Peace and the Offertory 1:28:39 - The Holy Communion 1:40:10 - Hymn - Ye Watchers and Ye Holy Ones 1:45:57 - Postlude Download service leaflet: https://cathedral.org/wp-content/uplo... ALL SAINTS Presider: The Very Rev. Randolph Marshall Hollerith Preacher: The Rev. Canon Jan Naylor Cop Our principal weekly Holy Eucharist anchors our worship life and prepares us for the week ahead. The Cathedral’s soaring architecture will point your eyes toward heaven as prayers, preaching and music open our hearts to God. Our worship is based on the traditions of The Episcopal Church and features beloved hymns, a hybrid blend of traditional and contemporary music and the best in Cathedral preaching. All who seek a deeper relationship with God in Christ are welcome to receive Communion. Explore Washington National Cathedral: https://cathedral.org/ Instagram: / wncathedral Facebook: / wncathedral Twitter/X: / wncathedral