[mini] 신용카드 사용에 대해 영어로 말하기 (22년 5월 방송, 영어토론)
블로그: pdf문서: 신용카드는 과소비를 부추긴다 자신의 소득 수준보다 더 많이 소비하도록 만들며, 항상 빚을 진 삶을 살게 한다 포인트나 무이자 할부 등이 혜택을 주는 것 같지만 결국 상술일 뿐이다 신용카드를 없애고 체크카드를 쓰고 자신의 소득 수준에 맞는 소비를 해야 한다 Credit cards encourage you to overspend You are tempted to spend above your budget every month, and you are constantly in debt Loyalty points or interest-free installments may look like wise consumption, but they are actually a marketing ploy Getting rid of a credit card and using a debit card can help you live within your means Having a credit card causes you to overspend It’s easy to charge more than you can afford each month, which puts you in perpetual debt Rewards or low interest rates may seem good for the wallet, but they are really a marketing scheme Ditching a credit card for a debit card can keep you within your budget A credit card is a sure way to overspend It makes you buy beyond your monthly means, and it keeps you in permanent debt Cash back or low APR may sound easy on the bank account, but they are in fact a marketing strategy Swapping out a credit card for a debit card can be a step toward financial stability 신용거래 없이 소득과 저축만으로 경제활동을 할 수는 없다 신용카드가 있다고 다 과소비를 하지는 않는다 소비가 우리에게 주는 행복감을 생각해 볼 필요도 있다 신용카드 할부는 우리의 경제적 부담을 덜어 주고, 삶의 질을 높여 준다 You can’t get by with only income and savings You need to use credit cards Not all credit card holders overspend Also, think about the happiness consumption gives us By allowing you to pay for what you need in installments, credit cards help lower your financial burden and boost your quality of life You can’t survive on only income and savings Credit cards are a necessity Overspending is not an issue for all credit card holders Also, consider how happy we are when we consume By enabling you to pay off your debts in installments, credit cards take some of the weight off of you financially and make life easier You can’t go through life with only income and savings You have to have credit cards Owning a credit card does not necessarily mean you will overspend Also, look at the happiness we gain from our consumption In making it possible to pay for your purchases in installments, credit cards assist you in managing your finances and contribute to a better lifestyle #키워드스피킹 #프랙티쿠스