Jimmy Fallon Gets Spooked By Spicy Wings | Hot Ones
Jimmy Fallon is the Emmy Award–winning host of The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon and an alum of Saturday Night Live. Now, he's releasing a comedy album for the season—check out Holiday Seasoning, set to release November 1. But how is he with spicy food? Find out as the late-night icon takes on the wings of death while discussing hangouts with Derek Jeter, pinch-me moments with Bruce Springsteen, and that infamous Hot Ones segment with Selena Gomez on the Tonight Show. SUBSCRIBE TO FIRST WE FEAST ON YOUTUBE: http://goo.gl/UxFzhK WATCH MORE EPISODES OF HOT ONES: https://fwfea.st/hof BUY HOT ONES HOT SAUCE NOW: https://fwfea.st/hotsauces SIGN UP FOR THE HOT ONES MONTHLY HOT SAUCE SUBSCRIPTION: https://bit.ly/2veY50P TRY HOT ONES SPICY RAMEN: https://fwfea.st/ramen TRY HOT ONES SPICY SNACK MIXES: https://fwfea.st/snackmixes BUY HOT ONES TRUTH OR DAB: THE GAME: http://wildertoys.com SIGN UP FOR THE FIRST WE FEAST NEWSLETTER: http://firstwefeast.com/signup http://firstwefeast.com/ / firstwefeast / hotones / firstwefeast / firstwefeast