Sub) 달콤상콤 사빠딸 크림푸딩 만들기 🍓 딸기 치즈케이크 푸딩 레시피 Strawberry Cheesecake Pudding Recipe

Sub) 달콤상콤 사빠딸 크림푸딩 만들기 🍓 딸기 치즈케이크 푸딩 레시피 Strawberry Cheesecake Pudding Recipe

Hello! I have brought a cream pudding recipe after a long time! I've been wondering if I could make a refreshing strawberry cake for the summer. I thought I could make a delicious strawberry cake, using frozen strawberries that are readily available at the grocery store by making a compote. So, inspired by one of my favorite flavors from Baskin-Robbins called "Love Struck Strawberry🍓", I made a strawberry cheesecake pudding with various toppings. "Love Struck Strawberry " is one of best selling flavor in Korea Baskin-Robbins. This ice cream is vanilla base with chunks of chocolate and strawberry, and it is topped with cheesecake. For this pudding, I mixed chocolate ganache, strawberry compote, cheesecake, and Oreo into a vanilla pudding base for a deliciously diverse sweet treat. Also, to make it more than just plain cream, I made a pink cream by adding strawberry compote! Since there are various toppings, the preparation process may seem a bit complicated, but it's worth it. I think it would be fun to try making puddings based on various flavors from Baskin-Robbins! Enjoy it with pleasure. :) ============================ [Love Struck Strawberry Cream Pudding Recipe (Strawberry Cheesecake Pudding)] [사빠딸 크림푸딩 (사랑에 빠진 딸기 치즈케이크 푸딩) 레시피] Strawberry Compote Frozen strawberries 170g Unrefined sugar 50g Lemon juice 6g Ganache Whipping cream 30g Dark chocolate 30g Pastry Cream Pudding Base Milk 220g Vanilla bean paste 5g Egg yolk 54g Sugar 40g Corn starch 24g Butter 25g Leaf gelatin 3g Oreo Cream Pastry Cream Pudding Base 200g Whipping cream A 110g 3 Oreo cookies 2 pieces of cheesecake Strawberry Compote Cream Strawberry compote 30g Whipping cream B 70g Pastry Cream Pudding Base 120g Red food coloring When making compote, if you do not have unrefined sugar, you can make it with caster sugar. This pudding has a softer texture rather than a dense one. If you want to add a crunchy texture, you can try adding crushed Maltesers like the previous matcha pudding recipe or add chocolate chips. Also, instead of layering the toppings as shown in the video, you can simply add them all at once to the cream base for an easier preparation. ============================ Music Source: part(파트)1-01 Like a movie (라이크 어 무비), 이철희, 공유마당, CC BY 러브 테마(Love Theme), 김정식, 공유마당, CC BY ============================ Unauthorized use and editing of the video is prohibited. Please indicate the source when using the recipe. #BaskinRobbins #pudding #puddingrecipe #사빠딸 #사랑에빠진딸기 #푸딩 #크림푸딩 #배스킨라빈스