Kendrick Lamar - Super Bowl LIX Halftime Show - Karaoke - Instrumental & Lyrics (T2K0400)
Like it? Hit it 👍 Love it? Feel free to tip 💰 https://ko-fi.com/tricky2k For requests or comissions, see my channel's "About" tab / tricky2k Your comments are much appreciated. I made this just for fun. Yes, for my 400th english song what better than Kendrick's Super Bowl show? And new style as well, turns out I like this layout better. Ok, I made the karaoke as I pleased, leaving some spoken parts and removing others, because that's what I felt like it. And no, I probably won't change a thing, I find it perfect as it is Note for Lamar New Deal, PGLang, Interscope, UMG, NFL, Apple Music and/or anyone involved in the production, release and rights managements for this song. My karaoke covers are made with love and respect for the original songs and the artists. However, if you think that this video constitute a copyright infringement, please, let me know and I will remove it from site asap.