Japanese Numbers quiz 1【1-100】Let's practice counting in Japanese

Japanese Numbers quiz 1【1-100】Let's practice counting in Japanese

Let's begin our lesson with Japanese Numbers quiz 1. In this quiz, there are 64 quiz questions using numbers from 1 to 100. Can you answer all the questions? 1 (ichi), 2 (ni), 3 (san)!! Have you seen this Japanese Numbers Song yet? This helps you to learn Japanese numbers. Let's sing the Numbers Song with us! いち、に、さん、よん、ご♪ ▼Numbers Song 1【1~100】with Roma-ji & Hiragana▼    • Counting in Japanese from 1 to 100【Nu...   ▼Numbers Song 1【1~100】with Kanji & Hiragana▼    • Counting in Japanese from 1 to 100【Nu...   ▼Numbers Song 2【1~100 million】with Roma-ji & Hiragana▼    • Counting to 100 million  in Japanese【...   ▼Numbers Song 2【1~100 million】with Kanji & Hiragana▼    • Counting to 100 million  in Japanese【...   This quiz was made by: ◆Shoko: Online Japanese teacher for beginner learners ▼If you like this video, please subscribe to my channel!▼ チャンネルとうろく、よろしくね!    / @shokoeasyjapanese   ▼Japanese lessons are available at italki▼ https://www.italki.com/en/teacher/409... #japanese #japaneselesson #japaneselanguage #japaneselanguageforbeginners #japaneselanguageteacher #learnjapanese #learnjapaneseeasy #shokojapanese #shokoeasyjapanese #japanesenumbers #japanesequiz #countinginjapanese #numbers #number