Final Fantasy VI T-Edition Gameplay, Day Twenty-Eight (December 28, 2021)

Final Fantasy VI T-Edition Gameplay, Day Twenty-Eight (December 28, 2021)

I played more time today than I did game hours, largely because I kept dying, sometimes on purpose. Because I know I'm not ready for Relm or most of the other side content, I decided to recruit Gogo. I had been in the Zone Eater's belly previously, but now that I talked to Banon, I knew I could get that guy to leave the cave. Unfortunately, trying to just get to the cave was a pain as Zone Eater took several fights to show up. I also had difficulty with the enemies in this cave, and it took me a moment to figure out how to deal with an enemy that could Zombify a character with a single touch, but I eventually did...after loss and loss. I also let myself die because I let Terra and Mog get separated in terms of experience. After all this was a monster in a box. Death Rider is a very tough opponent and I was sure I was going to lose this battle, but I succeeded and I also was able to recruit Gogo. I also went to the Coliseum. However, I lost my 30,000 Gil Reincarnation by putting it up for wager. Betting a Cat Hood resulted in a easier fight, but I let myself get destroyed before saving. I looked for Death Gaze, but he wasn't ready to be found so I missed out on him. Instead I went back to Mt. Zozo to try and fail at battling the dragon there. I did finally figure out how to beat Storm Dragon. I had to have Shadow constantly heal, Cyan keeping up Golem, and continuing to cast Ice-based spells. It took a long time, but I was victorious. I don't think the Force Armor was worth all this effort, though.