세상을 사는 지혜 (The Wisdom in Life) Knowing Jesus and relying on him is true wisdom.

세상을 사는 지혜 (The Wisdom in Life) Knowing Jesus and relying on him is true wisdom.

It seems the praise videos tend to have more attention than Bible classes, which means there are a great number of fellow Christains who love to praise the Lord. I hope that bravery and love towards God will be filled in our hearts while watching and singing together. ^^ (Violin: Dea. Lee, Jang-me, Violin: Lee, Min-ho, Pf: Dec. Kim, Eun-young) 쉬어가는 영상이 바이블 클래스 영상보다 조회수가 높은 것 같습니다. ^^ 찬양을 사랑하는 성도님들이 많으신 것 같네요. 하나님을 향한 용기와 사랑이 채워지는 시간이 되시기를 바랍니다. (Violin: 이장미집사, 이민호, Pf: 김은영집사)