Don't take life so seriously, there is no "God" judging you.

Don't take life so seriously, there is no "God" judging you.

#life #secret #alanwatts The secret to life is not taking it too seriously. To experience the “abundant life” Jesus spoke of, we must embrace the childlike innocence he taught: “Unless you become like a child, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven” (Matthew 18:3). This kingdom isn't an afterlife destination, but a present state of consciousness—accessible through playfulness, joy, curiosity, and presence. However, this doesn’t mean “nothing matters.” As Alan Watts said, it's about being “sincere, but not serious.” Life is meaningful and purposeful, but it doesn't demand heaviness or rigidity. In this video, I reflect on losing my childlike nature due to religious indoctrination, which instilled fear of a constantly judging deity. I lived with anxiety, believing life was a test for eternal salvation or damnation. But when I moved past these dogmas and realized this "judging God" was just a projection of my ego, I began to experience freedom. Overcoming the ego's grip led to a profound awakening, restoring my sense of innocence and the realization that life, here and now, is truly abundant. ✅Gain access to exclusive weekly blogs, video teachings, esoteric teaching series, live community Zoom calls, Q&A, study groups, guided meditations, and direct communication for inquiries with guaranteed responses within 48 hours—all for just $10 a month. Plus, all Patreon members receive discounted rates on coaching packages! ➡️ 👁️12-week deconstructing dogma one-on-one coaching package FREE discovery call: ➡️ 🌅6-week spiritual awakening and development one-on-one coaching package FREE discovery call: ➡️ 🔋8-week raise your vibration one-on-one coaching package FREE discovery call: ➡️ 📞To set up a one-on-one consultation email me at [email protected] ❤️If you've found value and inspiration in my videos, consider supporting the channel. Your donations empower me to create more content and share wisdom with a wider audience. Every contribution, no matter the size, makes a meaningful difference. Thank you for being a part of this journey! Learn more about how you can support below. ➡️ ➡️ ✍️Explore more about my teachings and authorship on my website. Learn about my journey, access resources, and stay connected. Thank you for being part of this community! ➡️