Modern Industrial FOOD Production: How we improved our Fruit and Vegetables| Present Video 1

Modern Industrial FOOD Production: How we improved our Fruit and Vegetables| Present Video 1

In this first video about our present relationship with food we are looking at why we have enough to eat despite having twenty times as many people as when Columbus discovered America. This is due to modern industrial food production of the second agricultural revolution we are still experiencing, agriculture on an industrial scale. In this video we have a look at how we have improved the fruit and vegetables we eat to make their natural ancestors almost unrecognisable to us. We compare the watermelons we buy now, from seedless ones to square ones in Japan to the same fruit that can be seen on classical still life paintings, one of which we examine in detail. There has been quite a transformation with us able to eat much more of what is on offer. We then continue with one of the staples of our nutrition, wheat and look at its transformation since the first einkorn seed has been planted in the Middle East. It has been transformed into first Emmer and then wheat already in Antiquity and its yield is now ten to twenty times bigger than it was then. That this has been possible it a result of selected breeding techniques that have not only increased yields but also given the new plant better qualities like flour that is easier to rise with yeast. Here some links mentioned in the video: Edo Ergo Sum, the first video about the past:    • The first Human FOOD: Was Fruit or Me...   Edo Ergo Sum, the Neolithic Agricultural Revolution:    • The Neolithic Agricultural Revolution...   Our world in data, cereal yields of the United Kingdom over time: Auction house Dorotheum in Vienna: Watermelons transformation: For more about the Second Agricultural Revolution: Second Agricultural Revolution:    • Second Agricultural Revolution   Agricultural Revolutions & Societal Changes [AP Human Geography Unit 5 Topic 4] (5.4):    • Agricultural Revolutions & Societal C...   THE BRITISH AGRICULTURAL REVOLUTION and why it is important to you in 3 minutes:    • THE BRITISH AGRICULTURAL REVOLUTION a...   The amazing history of watermelons:    • The Amazing History of Watermelon   EDO ERGO SUM, Latin for "I am what I eat" is a play on the famous quote COGITO ERGO SUM, "I think therefore I am". It is about how the food we eat influences who we are in the past present and future. Visit EDO ERGO SUM on Facebook:   / edoergosumiamwhatieat   Instagram:   / edoergosum_iamwhatieat   Tiktok: #edoergosum #secondagriculturalrevolution #foodhistory #industrialagriculturalrevolution #IamwhatIeat #modernagriculture #modernagriculturefarming #industrialfoodproduction #modernindustrialfoodproduction Chapters: 0:00 Introduction 3:10 Unnatural selection 5:34 Human interference 6:59 From einkorn to wheat 10:20 Modern wheat 11:21 Conclusion Background information: Used in this video Music from the free Youtube library and Audioblocks, a division of I use pictures or videos I either shoot myself, take from, use creative commons licenced pictures from Wikipedia or free pictures and videos from