What if Parking Lots Disappeared? + more videos | #aumsum #kids #science #education #children
Buy AumSum Merchandise: http://bit.ly/3srNDiG Website: https://www.aumsum.com What if Parking Lots Disappeared? Firstly, if parking lots disappeared, people may stop buying cars, entire auto industry might collapse. Secondly, if parking lots disappeared, popularity of ride-hailing apps will increase exponentially. Thirdly, if parking lots disappeared, public transportation may become overburdened. Fourthly, if parking lots disappeared, malls, restaurants & movie halls might start losing business as people will avoid going to crowded places. Fifthly, if parking lots disappeared, people might start parking cars on roads, bridges, lawns etc.. Our cities may start looking very very different. Sixthly, if parking lots disappeared, organising large concerts or sporting events may become almost impossible. Lastly, if parking lots disappeared, much smaller single seater cars might become extremely popular.