What if Flyovers Disappeared? + more videos | #aumsum #kids #science #education #whatif
Buy AumSum Merchandise: https://bit.ly/3srNDiG Website: https://www.aumsum.com What if Flyovers Disappeared? Firstly, if Flyovers disappeared, traffic jams in cities may suddenly shoot up. Secondly, some flyovers unfortunately block the views of certain homes, if Flyovers disappeared, people living in these homes would be overjoyed. Thirdly, if Flyovers disappeared, some big cities may suddenly start looking like small towns. Fourthly, if Flyovers disappeared, people who repair flyovers will have to look for a new profession. Lastly, if Flyovers disappeared, people may try out innovative solutions of traveling from one place to another. Timecodes : 0:00 - What if Flyovers Disappeared? 1:04 - Why does ice float? 2:09 - How do fish breathe underwater? 3:05 - Why don't penguins feet freeze? 4:03 - How is coffee decaffeinated? 5:09 - How do migratory birds find their way? 6:08 - What if we stopped drinking water? 7:14 - What makes ice clear or cloudy? 8:16 - Why do people grind their teeth? 9:14 - What is a mirage?