What if Cakes Disappeared? + more videos | #aumsum #kids #science #education #whatif
Buy AumSum Merchandise: https://bit.ly/3srNDiG Website: https://www.aumsum.com What if Cakes Disappeared? Firstly, if Cakes disappeared, birthdays may not remain that interesting anymore. Secondly, if Cakes disappeared, Pastry Chefs may have to look for a new profession. Thirdly, if Cakes disappeared, some people may start cutting chocolates or ice-creams during birthdays. Fourthly, cakes are generally not considered to be healthy, if Cakes disappeared, some people may actually start losing some weight. Lastly, if Cakes disappeared, sale of birthday candles may go down. Timecodes 0:00 - What if Cakes Disappeared? 0:58 - What if Burgers Disappeared? 2:02 - What if Pizza Disappeared? 3:00 - What if French Fries Disappeared? 3:53 - Is Sugar bad for you? 5:10 - Is it Bad to Hold Our Urine? 7:09 - How do we know that our stomach is full? 9:03 - How do Stars Form?