SFSS Council Meeting 2021 October 13

SFSS Council Meeting 2021 October 13

Welcome to the Simon Fraser Student Society! The Simon Fraser Student Society (SFSS) is a student-led organisation that represents and advocates for the interests of the 26,000+ undergraduate students at SFU. We are your not-for-profit support network and voice at SFU and provide services and support to make your student life better. Subscribe to the SFSS YouTube channel: http://bit.ly/SFSSYouTube Catch up on other Council meetings: http://bit.ly/SFSSCouncil Learn more about the SFSS: http://www.sfss.ca Like the SFSS on Facebook: http://bit.ly/SFSSFacebook Follow the SFSS on Twitter: http://bit.ly/SFSSTwitter Follow the SFSS on Instagram: http://bit.ly/SFSSInstagram