Daily Mass ~ Tuesday December 31, 2024 Livestream
Seventh Day within the Octave of the Nativity of the Lord At the end of the year, the Gospel proclaims, “In the beginning…. ” “It is the last hour, ” but because “the Word became flesh” and dwells among us, every moment offers us a new beginning. We “announce his salvation day after day” and year after year because the truth has been made known to us. We “believe in his name” and “exult before the Lord, ” for he has given us “power to become children of God. ” Parish News & Events 📰 Bulletin: https://stcecelia.com/bulletins Our Celebrants: Father Deniskingsley Nwagwu, SDV Father Ignatius Mary Okoroji, SDV Support the Parish of St. Cecelia 📦 Like & Subscribe 💌 Online Giving: https://bit.ly/45JPJwQ 📦 Volunteer https://stcecelia.com/parish-organiza... Thank you for watching. May God bless you!