Class 11 Business Studies Important Questions – Part One
📌 Class 11 Business Studies Important Questions – Part One 🔹 #Departmental Undertaking – What is meant by a departmental undertaking? 🔹 #Disinvestment – What is meant by disinvestment? 🔹 #PublicPrivatePartnership (PPP) – Write a short note on Public-Private Partnership. 🔹 #JointVenture – What is meant by joint ventures? 🔹 #PublicVsPrivateSector – Differentiate between the public sector and the private sector (any six points). 🔹 #PrivateSectorBenefits – Explain the importance or advantages of the private sector. 🔹 #PublicSectorLimitations – Describe any five disadvantages or limitations of the public sector. 🔹 #PublicCorporation – What is meant by a public corporation? Describe its characteristics. 🔹 #JointSector – Explain the objectives and importance of the joint sector. 🔹 #EconomicVsNonEconomicActivities – Difference between Economic and Non-economic Activities. 🔹 #BusinessProfessionEmployment – Difference between Business, Profession, and Employment. 🔹 #TradeVsIndustry – Difference between Trade and Industry. 🔹 #SoleProprietorship – Advantages and Disadvantages of Sole Proprietorship. 🔹 #PartnershipBusiness – Meaning and Characteristics of Partnership. 🔹 #CompanyFeatures – Basic Characteristics of a Company. 🔹 #PartnershipVsSoleProprietorship – Difference between Partnership and Sole Proprietorship. 🔹 #PartnershipVsJointHinduFamilyBusiness – Difference between Partnership and Joint Hindu Family Business. 🔹 #PartnershipDeed – What is a partnership deed? Write the main contents of a Partnership Deed. 🔹 #CompanyVsPartnership – Differences between a Company and Partnership. 🔹 #PublicVsPrivateCompany – Difference between Public and Private Companies. 🔹 #BankingSector – What is a Bank? 🔹 #BankingFacilities – Main Banking Facilities. ✅ Must-Prepare for Exams! Keep Learning & Stay Ahead! 🚀