Short Story of Jonah & the Whale
A #shorts story and song of Jonah and the big fish, or whale. #biblesongsforkids & stories & song brought to life. Hear my husband read the story and listen to the song I wrote at the end about #Jonah and the big fish. Jonah was a man who didn’t want to do what God told him, so he ran away on a boat. A big storm came, and the sailors threw Jonah into the sea to make it stop. #God sent a huge whale to swallow Jonah, and he stayed inside for three days and nights. Jonah prayed, and God made the whale spit him out onto dry land. This time, Jonah listened to God and went to tell the people of Nineveh to change their ways. my original lyrics with sunomusic/canva pro license #jonahandthewhale , #BibleStory, #KidsBible, #Jonah, #Whale, #Faith Daniel and the Den • Short Story of Daniel in the Lions Den A #short Bible story Noahs ARK • Short Story of Noah's Ark #genesis, ... A #short Bible story Please SUBSCRIBE by clicking link. Thanks! Lullabies & Learning / @lullabiesandlearning Stories & Songs for Kids / @storiesandsongsforkids123 Most of my songs are my ORIGINAL lyrics with Suno music or TY Audio Library. Visit poetsgarden1 for garden inspiration, art & poetry. / @poetsgarden1