*LIVE* Catholic Mass from the Shrine of St. Joseph (9/18/20) #catholicmasslive

*LIVE* Catholic Mass from the Shrine of St. Joseph (9/18/20) #catholicmasslive

Welcome to Mass. Today is Friday of the twenty-fourth week in ordinary time. Our celebrant is Fr. Matthew Spencer, O.S.J. We come together each day to pray as one CATHOLIC family and practice our faith during these trying times. What are your prayer intentions? What are you grateful for? Let us know. ----------SUPPORT--------- If you would like to support our ministries: Donate online at https://www.shrinestjoseph.com/donate Thank you for praying with us today. We are grateful for your prayers and support of our online ministry. God bless you. ---------SHRINE OF ST. JOSEPH--------- Shrine of St. Joseph: https://www.shrinestjoseph.com/ Shrine of St, Joseph Facebook:   / shrinestjoseph   Oblates of St. Joseph: http://osjusa.org/ Shrine Coffee: https://shrinecoffee.com/ Stay Connected: Sign up here to receive regular updates: https://shrine.flocknote.com ---------OBLATES FOUNDER ST. JOSEPH MARELLO--------- The Oblates of St. Joseph are Catholic priests and brothers living and working in many countries around the world. St. Joseph Marello: http://osjusa.org/st-joseph-marello/ #catholicmasslive #catholicmass #holymass #mass