S.T.A.R.S.... (ENDING) | Resident Evil 3: Nemesis Blind Playthrough Reaction

S.T.A.R.S.... (ENDING) | Resident Evil 3: Nemesis Blind Playthrough Reaction

►Subscribe:    / @khghost   ►Twitter:   / khghost2   ►Twitch:   / khghost90   ►Resident Evil 3: Nemesis Playlist:    • Resident Evil 3: Nemesis [COMPLETED]   ►Resident Evil Series Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/@KHGhost/play... This is going to be my First playthrough / Blind playthrough / Lets play playthrough gameplay of Resident Evil 3: Nemesis . In the next installment of Resident Evil, we go back to the original Resident Evil 3 where we play as Jill and face Nemesis once again as we make our through Raccoon City. In this episode, we make our way through the hospital, park and factory/lab, as we encounter Nemesis for the final part. #residentevil #residentevil3 #residentevil3remake #residentevil3hd #residentevil3playthrough #residentevil3gameplay #residentevil3blind #residentevil3blindplaythrough #residentevil3start #residentevil3end #residentevil3walkthrough #re3 #re3gameplay #re3playthrough #re2firstplaythrough #residentevil2firstplaythrough #re2claire #re3walkthrough #reblindplaythrough #residentevil #re #residentevilblindplaythrough #residentevilgameplay #re3letsplay #residentevil3letsplay #residentevil3ending #residentevil3ps3 #residentevil3nemesis #nemesis #residentevil3nemesisplaythrough #residentevil3nemesisblindplaythrough #residentevil3nemesisgameplay