Ticket To Ride Beatles isolated John Lennon lead vocal + Fender guitars lyrics chords
“Ticket To Ride” Fender guitars and only rare Lennon first Vocal not doubled tracked Written by: John Lennon / Paul McCartney Song Written: December, 1964 to February 14, 1965 Song Recorded: February 15, 1965 First US Release Date: April 19, 1965 US Single Release: Capitol #5407 Highest Chart Position: #1 (1 week) First US Album Release: Capitol #SMAS-2386 “Help! Soundtrack” British Album Release: Parlophone #PCS 3071 “Help!” Length: 3:03 (mono), 3:10 (stereo) Key: A major Producer: George Martin Engineers: Norman Smith, Ken Scott, Jerry Boys Instrumentation (most likely): John Lennon - Lead Vocals, Rhythm Guitar (1961 Sonic Blue Fender Stratocaster) Paul McCartney - Bass Guitar (1963 Hofner 500/1), Lead Guitar (1962 Epiphone Casino ES-230TD), Harmony Vocals George Harrison – Lead and Rhythm Guitar (1963 Rickenbacker 360-12 Fire-Glo and 1961 Sonic Blue Fender Stratocaster) Ringo Starr – Drums (1964 Ludwig Super Classic Black Oyster Pearl), tambourine, handclaps