[무작위성에 대한 맹목] #5. 확증 편향: 오늘날과 같은 세계에서는 우리가 버려야 할 우리의 선천적 속성!
참고문헌: Rabin, Matthew (2000) “Inference by Believers in the Law of Small Numbers ” Working Paper, Economics Department, University of California, Berkeley, Taleb, Nassim Nicholas (2010) The Black Swan: The Impact of the Highly Improbable, London: Penguin Books Tversky, A , and Kahneman, D (1971) “Belief in the Law of Small Numbers ” Psychology Bulletin 76(2): 105–110 Williams, Robert J , and Connolly, Dennis (2006) “Does Learning About the Mathematics of Gambling Change Gambling Behavior?” Psychology of Addictive Behaviors 20(1): 62–68 Sources of Figure, Photo & Chart: 1 2 BY: 9883074 (CC-BY) 3 BY: Alexas_Fotos (CC-BY) 4 BY: Amber Clay (CC-BY) 5 6 BY: Drsathishav (CC-BY-SA) 7 (CC0 Public Domain) 8 BY: Sanjasy (CC-BY) 9 10 11 12 BY: Anne Burgess (CC-BY) 13 14 (CC0 Public Domain) 15 16 BY: kalhh (CC-BY) 17 BY: Pexels (CC-BY) #확증편향 #무작위성 #반증