Why does my dog Lick my Feet ? | An Untrained Dog
Have you ever wondered why dogs look so different? (There are 340 dog breeds in the world, and little corgis look nothing like hounds.) Or why dogs lick their paws? Or why their noses are cold and wet? Spinning in place to catch their tail, bulldozing the backyard, but also licking people’s faces, and helping humans in many ways. Dogs are as cute and helpful as they are weird at times. Have you ever noticed, for example, that dogs show their teeth when calm and cheerful? In fact, dogs had centuries to learn to speak our language. They don't have much in a way of facial expressions, but they know that smiling is a good sign, so they do their best to repeat it! Isn't it cool? So let's find out what some of their habits mean! #dogs #dogfacts #AnUntrainedDog Our 2.8M Views Video :: • Funniest Dogs Arguing Owner | Labrado... Subscribe- • Dog Playing | Who plays like this wit... Follow in Instagram: / an_untrained_dog @An Untrained Dog #AUD #DL66Bruno #SKB Video Presenting By @An Untrained Dog #AUD #Vlog 101