How to love your enemies 원수를 사랑하는 법 (Luke 6:27-36)_Dr. Hann Tchah 2024/03/03
인천 연수구 송도동에 위치한 인천국제침례교회입니다 Incheon International Baptist Church located in Songdo-dong, Incheon At IIBC, we do not want anyone to go to hell Are you 100% sure that you are saved? Pray the Sinners Prayer Read Romans Are You Saved? -Reference- #Love_your_enemies #How_to_love_your_enemies #Commandments_of_God #Hatred #Sin #Do_good #Curse #Bless #Despitefully_use #Pray #Grace #Gospel #원수를사랑하라 #원수를사랑하는법 #하나님의명령 #하나님의계명 #미움 #죄 #선을행하라 #저주 #축복하라 #악의 #기도하라 #은혜 #복음