CTK Service 2023-10-29, Sermon and Music Selections, Reformation Sunday
October 29, Sermon and Music Selections, Reformation Sunday Pastor Ray Waespi, Musicians Barney Tiller, Jason Tiller, Choir, Praise Ensemble Christ the King Lutheran Church, Fremont, CA This service was streamed from CTK's sanctuary. To learn more about Christ the King, visit us online at http://ctkfremont.squarespace.com/ 01:46 Prelude - Ein feste Burg ist unser Gott, by Johann G. Walther, Jason Tiller on cello; background information starts at 0:44 05:27 Choral Announcement - Listen, God Is Calling, ELW 513 06:18 Gathering Hymn - To Be Your Presence, ELW 546 12:22 Sermon 31:13 Hymn of the Day - Lord, Keep Us Steadfast in Your Word, ELW 517 32:46 Anthem - Be Thou My Vision, arranged by Marie Pooler, Choir 35:34 Communion Hymn - That Priceless Grace, ELW 591 37:59 Sending Hymn - Open Your Ears, O Faithful People, text by Willard F. Jabusch, Praise Ensemble Bible Passages Psalm 46 Romans 3: 19-28 John 8: 31-36